January 13, 2007

Brass Tax

In my constant attempts to stop "over-thinking" about my job, I have realized that I am doing a whole lot of "over-thinking about "over-thinking." This is crazy. Seminary encouraged me to do what I can to be a self-assessing pastor who is always stepping back and asking: "Is this really what God wants me to do?"

Well...guess what. I don't think about big things. I don't have things pop in there like, "I wonder what our church's Theology of the Cross is?" Nope. I am hounded by things like, "I wonder if anybody bought paper towels yesterday...we're almost out." I am trying to kick these things out...to think about important things. I've just never felt this responsible for things before (notice the intentional "felt" rather than "been"). So I've been praying that I can set aside a lot of the things I think about...and, I think it's been going well.

Until this weekend. I am starting my first Session retreat this morning...and I have been sweating the details all week. And, of course, where the rubber meets the road is the "Early Wake Up." I hate the Early Wake Up. I sat there this morning and looked at the ceiling, thinking about everything I needed to do.

And so...prayer is appreciated for today, for a tired guy who is trying to make sure everything is covered. Please pray that everything is not covered-that there's room for people to be themselves, and start conversations about what is going on at the church. Pray that God moves...and not only in the ways I have planned, but especially in unplanned ways.


Anonymous said...

Isn't that why you have Julie? Isn't she supposed to help you make lists and ensure that paper towels get to the right place?
I was told that was the responsibility of a pastor's spouse. :)

Scott said...

True story:

Julie's the one who ended up buying the paper towels while she was at Costco.

All in all, I think that she does a great job of helping out without being on the payroll. She's been involved without being INVOLVED.